
Empa has made bridging the gap “from Science to Business and Society” its motto; practical research and development is our specialty. Empa cooperates intensively with industry and commerce, science and the public sector – and has done so for many decades. Thanks to the efficient and individual forms of collaboration and its broad range of services, Empa is able to offer its partners tailored solutions. Knowledge gained in research is thus transformed into marketable innovations.
Every year, Empa and its partners launch more than 100 new research projects. The nature of the collaboration is adapted to the partners’ needs.
Empa operates business incubators, which help start-ups to build up their business. After all, setting the course in the early phase of a young company has a major influence on its chances of success.
Here, you find patent-pending Empa technologies as current technology services, which we offer to interested industrial partners for commercial use.

With 29 research labs, state-of-the-art equipment and cutting-edge analysis techniques, Empa pools the experience and expertise of over 800 highly qualified scientists and technicians – and gladly places this know-how at your disposal.
Empa has supported the development of the Swiss Innovation Park since the outset and is particularly involved in the long-term project at the Dübendorf site.
External services and investment goods are processed centrally via Empa’s purchasing department. We have put together some key pointers for our suppliers here.