Legal Services

As a contact point within Empa, the Legal Service answers any legal questions from the General Management, the departments and laboratories, and their staff concerning our institution. Our range of activities covers matters of public, civil and criminal law. The legal focuses are on the fields of ETH-Zurich legislation, general administrative and contract law, public personnel law, data protection and public legislation, and intellectual property, VAT and public procurement law.

The Legal Service especially deals with the following areas:

  • Legal compliance
  • Drafting statements on federal bills
  • Evaluations regarding VAT
  • Evaluations in public procurement law
  • Examining, drafting and concluding supply and service agreements
  • Enforcing contractual rights
  • Personnel law procedures vis-à-vis authorities and courts
  • Drafting internal Empa decrees and regulations
  • Creating internal legal reports for Empa
  • Processing queries concerning the Freedom of Information Act
  • Collaborating on internal and external project groups
  • Advice on copyright issues (author’s rights)


For the following issues please contact the indicated persons/sections at Empa:

Marlen Müller
Leiterin WTT / Legal

Téléphone: +41 58 765 4197

Karin Reitermayr

Téléphone: +41 58 765 4950

Marco Panayiotou

Téléphone: +41 58 765 4191