Cooperations Models

Thanks to an efficient technology transfer, Empa offers its technology, materials and techniques to interested partners. This enables us to turn our research results into innovative products and applications together with our partners. We tailor the nature of these collaborations to the starting points, objectives and needs of our partners – which is why Empa is regarded as an attractive research partner for SMEs, major companies and public institutions alike. There are various forms of collaboration, which are described below.

Joint research
Features: Jointly defined R&D project with substantial involvement of the project partners in the form of work packages, exchange of know-how, access to materials or infrastructure
Contract: General contractual conditions for research (Empa GTC for Research) or R&D contract based on Empa’s IP-Policy
Costs: Cost approach for research at Empa with regard to personal contribution
Funded research

R&D project backed by a funding institution. The project funding is contingent upon the fulfilment of certain conditions


R&D contract based on Empa’s IP-Policy


Cost specifications of the funding institution

Commissioned research
Features: Research commissioned according to the client’s specifications
Contract: Empa's general contractual conditions for research or specific research contract
Costs Cost models for research at Empa
Features: Standard services based on Empa’s existing know-how (without research character)

General Terms and Conditions for Empa Services (Empa Services GTC)

Costs: Cost models for Empa services
Features: Consulting from an Empa expert (e.g. problem analysis, technology assessment, troubleshooting etc.)
Contract: Consulting contract in accordance with Empa’s provisions for consulting
Costs: Cost models for consulting at Empa
Features: Usage or proprietary rights to Empa’s industrial property rights for commercial use by a partner
Contract: Contract with usage rights and defined field of application (see Empa’s IP-Policy)

Dependent on property right and field of application. Payment models by agreement: share of turnover, milestone payments, lump sum or combinations of these models


We would be happy to answer any questions you may have on the possible cooperative models or technology transfer in general. We look forward to hearing from you via